State of California Typing Test For certain State of California Job classifications, a typing certificate is required. Most commonly, you'll need these certificates for the Office Technician and Office Assistant classifications. For both the Office Technician and Office Assistant classifications you'll find 2 forms, (Typing) or (General). If you search for either of these classifications from , you should see postings for both in your search results. For Office Technician, the class code will also tell you whether the position is (Typing) or not. For Office Technician (Typing) the class code is -1139. The Office Technician (Typing) positions have a starting salary of $68 per month more than those with the (General) designation. For Office Assistant (General) the class code is -1441 and for Office Assistant (Typing) the class code is -1379. The Office Assistant (Typing) positions have a starting salary of $103 per month more than those with the (General) desi...